Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Invest in People

Fact of Life

It is a fact of life that when you are rich, everybody wants to be your friends; when you are poor, even Satan will run away from you! So, hard feeling if your friends leave you once they realise that you are poor. Do not this make you down hearted. On the other hand, you can learn something from your situation....who is your true friend? Always look at the bright side.

Invest in people

This is the Golden Rule:

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Always look for ways to help people. What you sow is what you reap. Always treat people with kindness, courtesy and compassion.

However, it is equally important to associate with goal-oriented and positive thinking people. As Zig Ziglar says,"If you want to fly with the eagles, you can't continue to scratch with the turkeys".

Some of my friends are complainers. They are not poor but they are not happy with their lives. They will always find something to complain about. They complain about the govenment, the economy, their spouses, families etc. Talking to them for just 30 minutes will make my head spinning!

On the other hand, talking to people with positive attitude will help me gain more confidence.

My point is that you need to choose your friends selectively. By this, I do not mean to say that you need to choose friends based on their financial position, but friends who can:

1 Encourage you

2 Build your confidence

3 Give you opportunity to advance

4 Show you the way to success

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